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Letter to the campus from Dr. Robert McKinney

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Dear students and faculty,

In this time of unprecedented change, please know that the University remains committed to your academic success. Ensuring that you complete the semester with the same level of knowledge and skill you would have gained should the semester continued with in-person instruction is among our primary focuses at the moment.

Each faculty member will send you an email by the end of the day on Wednesday, March 18, to your official University account that outlines how their courses will be taught remotely.

In many ways, tomorrow will resemble the first day of class. Faculty have determined the appropriate ways to teach remotely based on individual course content and level. They have identified the best technology to present material to you. Additional information on any changes to the syllabus, including learning objectives, content and assessment methods, will be discussed and refined by faculty as necessary.

We recognize that disrupting course delivery adds to the uncertainty of this particularly unprecedented moment. During the first half of the semester, you made friends in each of your classes and have gotten to know your professors and instructors. These relationships are important – and they will remain so as we transition to remote learning.

Thank you for your patience as we make this change together.


Dr. Robert McKinney
Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs