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Faculty Travel Grants

To support faculty research and scholarship and overall professional development, the Offices of the President, Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs, Vice President for Administration and Finance, and the Vice President for Research, Innovation, and Economic Development have allocated $200,000.00 in travel funding for full time faculty.

Beginning with the 2023-24 academic year, faculty will have two opportunities to apply for travel grant funding. The two initiatives include the Faculty Research Travel Grant and the Faculty Professional Development Travel Grant. Faculty may receive one travel grant in each category within one yearly cycle if eligibility criteria are met.


Beginning July 1, 2024, in order to enhance the Travel Grant application process to better serve faculty travel needs, the travel grant application link will remain open on a continual basis.  There will no longer be set travel grant rounds. 

Applications will be reviewed on a two-week rotation.  Applications should be submitted a minimum of one month prior to travel to allow time for the review and award process and for the Chrome River Travel Pre-Approval process.


  • Faculty Research Travel Grant

Faculty research travel to national and international peer-reviewed conferences for presentations of original scholarship, as well as travel for the purpose of collaborating with program managers of funding agencies.  Eligible faculty members must hold full-time positions; visiting/emergency temporary faculty, and adjuncts are not eligible to apply.

Faculty must be conducting a conference presentation and submission of a notice of acceptance of a conference proposal is required in the application.

Individual grant award funds have been increased this year with funding allocated in the amount of $1,000 or $1,500 (a reduced amount may be provided to align with anticipated total travel expenditures).

While all full-time faculty applications will be considered for funding, awarding of funds will be prioritized based on the following criteria:

  • Graduate faculty with Full Membership (formerly Level II) status,
  • Graduate faculty who teach or research in a doctoral program,
  • Tenured or tenure-track status (Professor and Associate Professor rankings prioritized),
  • Faculty who do not hold an Endowed Professorship or Endowed Chair,
  • Non-STEM faculty and/or non-STEM presentations,
  • Availability of other funding sources (such as, professorship stipends, grant funding),
  • Purpose of proposed travel,
  • Contribution of travel to the faculty member, department, college, and/or University, and
  • Overall quality of the application.

Faculty Research Travel Grant Guidelines can be found at Faculty Travel Grant Guidelines


  • Faculty Professional Development Travel Grant

Faculty travel to professional conferences relative to the faculty’s discipline or professional development interests. Funds are available for attendance at various conference levels including national and international, regional, state, and online conferences. Eligible faculty members must hold full-time positions, including visiting/emergency temporary faculty; however, adjunct faculty are not eligible for these funds.

A conference presentation is not required for eligibility for the Faculty Professional Development Travel Grant. Faculty presenting at multiple conferences may apply for both a Faculty Research Travel Grant and a Faculty Professional Development Travel Grant. However, only one travel grant may be received in each grant category.

Grant award funds for Faculty Professional Development Travel will be allocated in the amount of $750 or $1,000 (a reduced amount may be provided to align with anticipated total travel expenditures).

While all full-time faculty applications will be considered for funding, awarding of funds will be prioritized based on the following criteria:

  • Undergraduate and graduate faculty,
  • Non-tenured and tenured-track faculty (priority given to Assistant Professor and Instructor rankings),
  • Faculty who do not hold an Endowed Professorship or Endowed Chair,
  • Availability of other funding sources (such as, professorship stipends, grant funding),
  • Purpose of proposed travel,
  • Contribution of travel to professional development and growth of the faculty member to impact at a personal, departmental, college, and/or University level, and
  • Overall quality of the application.

Faculty Professional Development Travel Grant Guidelines can be found at Faculty Travel Grant Guidelines


  • Travel Grant Application Process

One application process will be used for submission of either an application for the Faculty Research Travel Grant or the Faculty Professional Development Travel Grant.

In the online application, the faculty member will indicate which grant is being requested – only one grant request per application. In submitting the online application, all requested information must be completed.

Faculty are eligible for one travel award within each of the two grant categories, assuming eligibility criteria are met.

Refer to the Faculty Travel Grant Guidelines for information regarding purpose, eligibility, priority criteria, application process, and award procedures.


Click here to submit an online application