Student Research
Student Research Initiative
The University has recently undertaken an undergraduate research initiative. The definition of undergraduate research is very broad, and it encompasses original creative and scholarly activities in every domain and discipline, whenever a faculty member is directly mentoring one or more undergraduate students. There are two main purposes for this initiative: 1) to ensure the research enterprise of the institution benefits undergraduate students and encourages them to pursue graduate studies, and 2) to help the University meet its Louisiana GRAD Act 2.0 requirements, through improved undergraduate student outcomes.
University Undergraduate Research Council (UGRC)
In order to facilitate this initiative, the university has established a university-wide Undergraduate Research Council (UGRC), with representation from each academic college, as well as other university entities that support undergraduate research. The UGRC has the mission of facilitating undergraduate research across campus, and the duty to administer the Undergraduate Research Mini-Grant Program.
Undergraduate Research Mini-Grant Program
The goal of the Undergraduate Research Mini-Grant Program is two-fold: to ensure that the undergraduate students at the University benefit from the university’s growing R&D program, and to improve student outcomes by facilitating undergraduate research, which has been identified as one of several “high-impact practices.” Accordingly, the University has set aside $40K to be awarded as 20 undergraduate research mini-grants of $2K each. The program will be administered by the Undergraduate Research Council. The UGRC is soliciting simple one-page proposals for the Undergraduate Research Mini-Grant Program. The Request for Proposals can be found here.
Advance Student Research
Advance Student Research Experience (Advance), supports the strategic mission of the University to increase student productivity and success through engagement in mentored research, innovative projects, and creative endeavors.