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Faculty Travel Grant Application

Travel Grant Application Process

One application process will be used for submission of either an application for the Faculty Research Travel Grant or the Faculty Professional Development Travel Grant.

In the online application, the faculty member will indicate which grant is being requested – only one grant request per application. 

The application link will remain open on a continual basis.  Please allow two weeks for applicaiton review and notification. 

Faculty are eligible for one travel award within each of the two grant categories, assuming eligibility criteria are met each fiscal year, July 1st to June 30th.

Funds Awarded for a specific travel grant may not be utilized for any other purposes or toward any additional travel. Funds not expended will be returned to the travel grant fund.

Refer to the Faculty Travel Grant Guidelines for information regarding purpose, eligibility, priority criteria, applicaton process, and award procedures. 

Refer to the Office of Purchasing website for additional information/training on Chrome River.

To apply for a grant, please complete the Online Application Form below.

*If your file for supporting documents is larger than 16MBs, please contact our support technologist, Travis Carmouche (337-482-1149) for troubleshooting.

*Please contact Kathy Donham (337-482-5308) for travel grant related questions.

*Please visit the Office of Purchasing for all travel related questions.

Online Application Form



Application Type

Applicant Information

Science, Technology, Engineering and Math
Science, Technology, Engineering and Math

Travel Grant Information

Anticipated Conference Budget

Conference Registration Fee *
Travel (i.e., Airfare) *
Lodging *
Local Transportation (i.e., airport shuttle) *
Meals *
Total Projected Travel Expenses *

Resources & Other Funding

College Funding *
Department Funding *
Chair/Professorship Funds budgeted for this conference *
Other Funding Source Type (i.e., Professorship, Grant, N/A if not applicable) *
Other Funding *
Indicate Grant Amount Requested *
Research Travel Grants are $1,500, $1,000 or less. Prof. Dev. Travel Grants are $1,000, $750 or less.
Total Resources & Other Funding *

Supporting Documents

Curriculum Vitae

Files must be less than 16 MB.
Allowed file types: pdf.
Submit one file 16 MB or less in one of the following formats: PDF

Project Description and Justification

Research Grant: Include a brief narrative defining the purpose of the proposed research travel and the contributions of this research to the applicant, department, college, and/or University. Include the accepted conference abstract/proposal.
Professional Development Grant: Include a brief narrative defining the purpose of the proposed professional development travel and the contributions of this professional development opportunity to the growth of the faculty member in relation to potential impact at a personal, departmental, college, and/or University level. Include professional development interests/topics addressed at this conference.
Please provide a brief narrative defining the purpose of the proposed travel.
Please provide a brief narrative defining the contribution(s) of this research to the applicant, department, college, and/or University.
Files must be less than 16 MB.
Allowed file types: pdf.
Submit one file 16 MB or less in one of the following formats: PDF

Conference Presentation Acceptance

Files must be less than 16 MB.
Allowed file types: pdf.
Submit one file 16 MB or less in one of the following formats: PDF

A confirmation email will be delivered to the email address supplied above.