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Quality Enhancement Plan 2020 Ideas

The University is preparing for its 10-year SACS-COC reaffirmation of accreditation, one of the main elements of which is to choose and develop a specific Quality Enhancement Plan, or QEP.  Ten years ago we chose to create Cajun Connection: First Year Seminar (UNIV 100) as our QEP, and now we have a chance to develop a new one.  SACS describes the QEP as “a carefully designed course of action that addresses a well-defined and focused topic or issue related to enhancing student learning and/or the environment supporting student learning and accomplishing the mission of the institution.”  The QEP should emerge from our ongoing self-study and planning efforts (such as the strategic plan), and considerable resources and energy will be devoted to it over the next five years.

Information resources for the eight QEP ideas.

One Page Summaries of the Eight QEP Ideas

Two Page Strategic Plan Summary

Link to Eight QEP Ideas survey. The deadline to vote is by midnight on December 1, 2017.